Saturday 10 January 2015

How eating healthy food starting floating my boat

So...I have never really payed THAT much attention to what I was eating.

I mean avoiding even traces of (/ may contain) gluten just seemed like bloody enough to me.

Of almost all the girls (sadly) I have had issues with accepting how my body looks like as well as the number I saw on the scales.
And like all of us girls...I have been through a process of on and off dieting since I was about 12.

I have always felt fat...never slim or even "ok".
Regardless of how slim or fat I actually was. I have always felt the need to compare myself to others and if I felt fatter I would skip a meal or started obsessively exercising.
None of that worked in a long term of course.
Eventually, I got over teenage years and stopped worrying too much about my body or the food.

However, I changed and realised I need to pay a bit more attention to what I eat after all.

So what changed me?
My grandpa died quite ahead of his time last April from a combination of illnesses.
>that is me with him during Easter, when I was about 4<

In the middle of the grief I realised one important thing...some of those illnesses could have been prevented or managed better when eating better and exercising more.

When I was small my grandpa always used to tell me "Julinko, enjoy that you are still a child while you can".
I never ever understood this sentence when there was nothing I wanted so badly as to be a grown up.
The world of grown ups seemed so exciting and I often felt lost as a child.

But, when my grandpa died, that was the time when I actually felt lost for real.

I could not wrap my mind around the fact that I won´t be able to see him, 
to see the little devils in his eyes, 
to see his huge hands, 
to cut his hair, 
to talk to him about the Second World War or 
to hear him laugh.

All sorts of thoughts were consuming my mind.
Why did he have to die?
Could the doctors have done something differently to save him?
Could I have done something?
Why so early?

It changed me...It hit me...It hit me that life is bloody short.

Because, it seemed like yesterday since my grandpa was telling me with his mysterious smile to enjoy the childhood years. one song goes "the keys to childhood are forever lost". As I can´t be a carefree child (although I actually think I never was...a worrier in me started developing pretty early)... I want to make sure that I enjoy the time that I have and I don´t want to shorten it.

To is beautiful. I love every minute and I want to live full life.

That was how I decided to care home about the food that I eat.

I stopped buying processed food, cut off simple sugars, eat loads of organic vegetables and fruits, avoid meat if I can.
And...I don´t eat junk food and don´t miss it.

We have said our goodbyes with my ex-favourite Kinder chocolate and moved on.
Once I started thinking about junk food as harmful and, if taking to an extreme, life-shortening I stopped having sweet-tooth and chocolate cravings.

Not to forget...I am trying to live a greener life too. I reduced the amount of meat that I eat, try to buy local food, stopped consuming products with palm oil and I try to avoid products in plastic packaging.

I do feel better, physically and mentally. Food gives me energy and does not make me tired anymore. By supporting local farmers I feel good about myself too.

If it was not for loosing my grandpa who knows how long would it take me to realise how important is what you eat.

If I may try to advice you something...don´t wait so long. Don´t buy that hamburger, buy food at farmer´s markets, start cooking or living a greener life.

A wee tip for you:
This girl was able to manage her illness - Postural Tachycardia Syndrome - accompanied with chronic pain and heart palpitations by applying the holitic approach to her life.
She started to care more about what she was eating and started cooking more healthily.
Not only she manages her illness, but also cooks amazing and witty recipies from organic food.
She is a real inspiration to me.

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